Their pensions.
I spend a significant amount of my working time with doctors and consider myself fortunate to work with such professional, caring and committed individuals (usually). So I am really surprised to read that doctors will, in effect, down tools for the first time in 40 years.
There are quite a few ticking time bombs affecting the health sector at the moment. Obesity, Diabetes, lifestyle generated diseases, chronic conditions…. and pensions. Anyone with an iota of financial acumen and a sense of reality knows that the private sector recognised the pension black hole years ago and started reining in the employers’ exposure. Final salaries pensions are unsustainable without increased contribution form the employee. Average salary pensions are a realistic alternative. Of course no-one wants to see their nest egg depleted through no fault of their own but it’s a tough world out there right now. No-one would dispute that the medical profession is awash with worthy, hard working individuals who care deeply for their patients. But I believe that this call for industrial action is damaging and probably futile.
A BMA statement explains how the strike will be implemented as follows:
‘Non-urgent work will be postponed and, although this
will be disruptive to the NHS, doctors will ensure patient safety is protected.
All urgent and emergency care will be provided and we will work closely with
managers so that anyone whose care is going to be affected can be given as much
notice as possible. Patients do not need to do anything now.
“We will also run our own publicity campaign to make sure that members of the public understand what the action will involve and how they can find out what it might mean for them and their families’
“We will also run our own publicity campaign to make sure that members of the public understand what the action will involve and how they can find out what it might mean for them and their families’
What this will 'mean for them and their families' on June 21st is that although clinical staff will be on-site, most operating theatres will be idle. Outpatient clinics will fall silent, minor procedures suites empty and GP surgeries may be open, but not for their daily business. Patients will be inconvenienced and some may well suffer as a result of delayed consultations, tests or surgery. The resulting backlog will not just affect patients – just imagine the hassle for support staff in hospitals and surgeries dealing with this backlog.
The public purse is being squeezed till it
bleeds tears of pain and desperation. Money needs to be allocated with wisdom,
compassion and fairness. Taking a day out of the packed theatre lists, clinic
sessions and GP appointments will result in a shameful waste of a precious
The BMA assures us that patient safety won’t be compromised and I have no reason to doubt this. But one thing that will be compromised is the public perception of a profession that they have long held, with good reason, in very high esteem.
The elderly lady with a crumbling hip surviving on a state pension may not be as sympathetic to the BMA members as they might hope.